They say the crystal you need the most at present finds you. This is one of the ideas I had in mind when creating my new crystal heart ornaments. Each crystal heart is handcrafted with intention. Powerful, yet sometimes simple, affirmations adorn the front or back, and the crystal’s properties connect to the affirmation on the heart.   

It started with a Be Kind activity my daughter and I did for our neighborhood. Soon I was full of creative energy combining plant elements with crystals and swirls. I must admit a kind of obsession with making these beauties came over me. Rummaging through my inventory, I found stones I thought would bring joy to those who found them. I wanted them to hold a positive message and give to the discover a sense of delight.   

Like I said it had become a new creative passion, and I was soon learning all I could about polymer clay. I cannot wait to make more using the different techniques I have learned and continue to learn.    

I wish I had a better range of travel right now, but with the way things are during this pandemic, I will be trying to scatter these little gems around Arizona as best as I can. (Nice and sanitized 😊) My vision is to have these crystal heart ornaments traveling all over, by me or others, bringing a little bit of joy and whimsy to one’s day.   

I do not know about you, but I was always the kid walking with their head down in the hopes of stumbling across some magical trinket. It gives me great pleasure to be the person leaving such magical trinkets to brighten someone’s day.    

Did you find a crystal heart ornament?! This makes me so happy! I hope you are excited, too. It’s the little special moments which create anchors of gratitude, don’t you think?   Below you will find information on the crystal in your ornament. If you feel this crystal found you for a reason, please keep and treasure your heart. If you feel the crystal is better suited for another, then have fun gifting it or hiding. 

(Crystals are talked about in order of the picture above.)   

DID YOU FIND THE AGATE HEART? Agate is a stone which protects against too much negativity by transforming it. This stone brings mental clarity improving concentration. With stabilizing energies, agate enhances the feeling of safety, soothes anger and tension, and leads to feelings of harmony.    

DID YOU FIND THE AMETHYST HEART? Amethyst is a powerful healing stone. It is said to ease anxiety, sooth fears, balance mood swings, scatters anger, and reduces sadness. A powerful quartz, amethyst is also connected to the third eye and crown chakras. It vibrates at a high energy which enhances intuition, spiritual connection, meditation, and dreams. Some use it to help focus their intentions to change a bad habit.     

DID YOU FIND THE SODALITE HEART?  Sodalite is a calming stone and connected to the throat chakra. Bringing emotional balance, this is a good crystal to clam panic attacks. Since it is a communication stone it helps one articulate and verbalize truth. Having trouble thinking clearly on an issue? Sodalite aids in looking at a situation with rational thoughts and objectivity. It is a strong stone for self-confidence, self-trust, and intuition.    

DID YOU FIND THE CLEAR QUARTZ HEART? Clear quartz is one of the master healers. It is known as an amplifier and is even use for this reason in many electronics and household items. Quartz will amplify the energy it encounters, so it helps to boost other crystal’s properties. But be careful. We do not want a nasty mood enhanced. Use this crystal to heighten an intention, connect you to your higher self, and protect against negativity.    

DID YOU FIND THE LAPIS LAZULI HEART? Lapis is an ancient stone. Prized by the Egyptian Pharaohs. It is known as the stone of friendship and is connected to the throat chakra. Lapis is the universal symbol of wisdom and truth. No wonder the Pharaohs saw the need to adorn themselves with it. Fun fact, it was also used to make blue paint for the beautiful frescos of the Renaissance period.  Revealing inner truth and helping one speak their truth, lapis is an ultimate communication stone. It helps to express your inner self and brings self-awareness.     

DID YOU FIND THE ROSE QUARTZ HEART?  Rose quartz is one of my favorites because its almost perfect for any reason. A strong healing stone of the heart chakra rose quartz brings to the owner a sense of compassion, unconditional love, and self- love. A perfect stone if you need some emotional healing or trauma healing. It encourages a love for all things.    

I hope to be creating even more wonderful crystal hearts to add to the list soon! I will not be offering these crystal heart ornaments in my boutique at this time. But I am thinking about having something similar during special seasons. I will also be creating some special ornaments for customer appreciation. I understand that the items I create are a luxury and not an essential. So I am so grateful when someone decides to purchase from my shop. I really do create simply for others to enjoy my art and want to say thank you.  

Happy Hunting 😊