The last of the lower Chakra triangle is the Naval Chakra or the Solar Plexus Chakra located in your abdomen just above your belly button. The ruler of this Chakra is the sun so it is a perfect Chakra to be opening during the week of the Summer Solstice.  

This is the power house of our personal power and creativity. It is also responsible for wellbeing, clarity, and common-sense energies. The color for this Chakra is yellow and it has a fire element associated with it. The Solar Plexus is all about taking control, making clear decisions, and owning your zest for life. The Root Chakra helped to ground us. The Sacral Chakra helped to bring out or passion and stabilize our emotions. Now the Solar Plexus will bring all those energies together and aid us in releasing our personal will power.     

The Yoga

 I am not one to rewrite the book when someone else has done it so well already so I will be using the yoga sequence for the Solar Plexus from The Box of Happiness blog.  I Like to begin with some cat/cow stretched and leg lunges then go into three Sun Salutations to warm up the body. To start and end each pose I like to do a Sun Salutation as well. The following is a list of the yoga moves for the Solar Plexus.  Warrior I, reverse triangle pose, warrior III, full boat pose, cobra pose, bow pose, and revolved abdomen pose I would actually do my meditation first during the second week and then do the yoga sequence. I found this made the yoga more rewarding because I was already focused on visualizing the chakra’s energy.    

The Meditation

The Solar Plexus is all about yellow and the warmth of the sun. Sit or lie comfortably in savasana. If your weather permits, (mine doesn’t unless I also want to bake myself) do this meditation in the sun light. Close your eyes concentrate on taking your breath into the space of the Solar Plexus. Visualize a golden yellow fiery ball of light growing bigger at the center right above your naval. This light opens like a flower, but 360 degrees. Visualize this energy blossoming above, below, back, front, and to the sides. Breath equally for a while and hover in this strong energy of your self-power. Then before ending balance all the Chakras out to end energized for the day. Imagine this Solar Plexus energy going down and awaking the first two Chakras. Visualize the red, then orange. Visualize it going all the way into the ground like roots to ground you. Next imagine the energy goes up your body awaking the upper Chakras. Frist green for heart, blue for throat, indigo/ purple third eye, and light purple/white for the center above your head.   

Add to the meditation a mudra, fold your thumbs against one another and press the fingers together to create a triangle with the hands.  

Add to the meditation a mantra/ sound; RAM.   

 The Affirmations   

I like to say affirmations while breathing through yoga poses. I also might do a little during meditation, but I normally like to empty my mind of action during meditation since its always going none stop at other times.  

“I am empowered and confident.” 

“I allow myself to shine.” 

“I am worthy of success.” 

“I trust and believe in myself.”   

The Crystals  

My Sunshine Collection is perfect for this Chakra and I am so excited for it to come to the boutique this week!  True to its name the Sunshine Collection is full of yellow crystals that shine like the sun. 


Rutilated Quartz 



Golden Tigers Eye 


Golden Calcite 

Yellow Jade Y

ellow Jasper    

The Activities   

Activities making you gather your courage to complete the task.

Activities making you apply your willpower.