It is on to week two of the Lower Chakra Challenge and I am moving my focus to the second chakra, The Sacral Chakra. This chakra is all about the passion and creativity in life. This is the power house of your creative emotion, your sexual energy, and enjoyment. How you handle emotions is packed in here. A balanced Sacral Chakra means being able to openly talk about your emotions. Your emotions are stable and there is no hyper sensitivity. Not only does this chakra regulate creative energy, but it is the seat of passion and desirer. People with open well-adjusted second chakras are said to radiate warmth and trust. It is also associated with the stomach and the discomforts or diseases in that area of the body.  

So, I say bring it on!  I can use a lot of work in all those areas. My creative energy is flowing most of the time. However, I suffer from many stomach issues and opening my self to expressing my emotions. I am excited to see how focusing on my Sacral with help improve these areas of my life.    

The Yoga: 

The Sacral Chakra is all about opening the hips and my hips are hella tight. The following is a list of yoga poses that help to open the second chakra. I found this great sequence by Mary Beth Larue from Yoga Journal I think I will use this week. I will also add some sun salutations, which are awesome for the Sacral Chakra, in between all the standing poses. Starting with three sun salutations after the beginning floor stretches will help warm up the body. The following poses are the ones in the suggested sequence and I have add a couple into the mix.  

Hero pose, hip circles, cow pose, low lunge, half monkey god pose (AKA half splits), goddess pose, warrior II, reverse warrior, wide leg standing forward bend, frog pose, seated forward bend, bridge (add to the end to balance all chakras), reclining bound angle pose.    

The Meditation: 

For this meditation it is all about visualizing the orange glowing light of the Sacral Chakra. Sit cross legged or in lotus and place your hands in Sakthi Mudra, (hands in pray pose in front of chest, press pinky and ring fingers tightly together, then fold thumbs down tucked under the pointer and middle finger). Breath in a warm glowing orange light all the way to the stomach. Imagining it flowing there or at the part of digestive discomfort. Breath out with the thought of release to help ignore any random thoughts floating through the mind. Clear the mind or repeat an affirmation or chant the mantra sound VAM.    

The Affirmations:

 “I am a sacred being, I am worthy of love and desirable to others.”

“I am a creative being.” 

"My emotions are balanced.”    

The Crystals: 



Amber (don’t have any of this yet) 

orange calcite (also not part of my collectio 


The Activities: 

The first activity suggested by most is to dance and sing liken one is watching. This will be an easy activity to accomplish since my children love a good dance party. It is also suggested that any kind of exercising is good for the Sacral Chakra and toning the musicals opens this energy.