Leading up to the Summer Solstice I have decided to do some much needed work on my base chakras. A concept coming from India, chakras are areas in your body that are said to be centers of spiritual energy. Chakras correspond to major organs or nerve centers in the body.  Often depicted as a spinning wheel or blooming lotus flower each chakra connects to a color making visualizing the energy quite easy. When the energy is flowing smoothly through all seven chakras, the body and mind are balanced. Blocks to this energy can cause havoc in your life. Many fears and obstacles are said to be from the lack of or over stimulation of energy in a certain chakra.  

Whether or not this theory of chakras is accurate, I do strongly believe that all things in the world have energy and vibrations. I love being given an outline to focus on when trying to tap into my own energies. Its these energies that feed our mind, body, and spirit and come flowing out in our thoughts and emotions. Emotions control most of our everyday thoughts which in turn control our everyday actions, so it is important to have our energy balanced. A strong stabile base is a no brainer for a supported structure so why should our body be any different. Therefore, my focus for the next three weeks will be on the lower three chakras. I am going to focus on this energy and releasing any blockages through meditations, affirmations, yoga, and activities.    

The First Three Chakras 

1.  Muladhara/ Root: This is located at the base of the spine and is visualized as a red color. Many food items and stones in the red colors are said to be nourishing for this chakra. Associated with the last three vertebras, the colon, and the bladder. When this energy is open, it creates a feeling of safety and stability. A weak root chakra and feelings of fear tend to cloud our life. 

 2. Svadhisthana / Sacral: This is located right above the pelvis and right below the belly button and is visualized as an orange color. This is where our creative and sexual energies are said to manifest. This area is what drives our creative expression.  

3. Manipura/ Solar Plexus: This is located from our navel to the base of our breast bone. This is the seat of our personal power. Visualized as yellow it is call the lustrous gem. Connected to out stomach and digestive system which also effects our immune system this is a powerful chakra.  

I will be starting with the first chakra and move up ending on the summer solstice with a special meditation connected to the sun and the solar plexus. My goals for these meditations are to create more flowing energy with in me to power my passions and currently transitioning life. Motivation for this challenge are my fears and issues with self-worth that seem to hold me back. These are all issues associated with the lower chakra.  My first focus will be the root chakra and my plan is to incorporate daily meditations specific to this chakra and of course I will be including crystals in my meditation to focus my purpose even more. Along with meditations, I will begin a daily yoga practice using poses associated with the chakra. The last piece in my challenge will be to incorporate activities throughout which are symbolically connected to the chakra I am focused on that week. My hope is to continue to document my journey with posts of my weekly plan and posts of reflection.