The Root Chakra is connected to our fears of stability, safety, survival issues, and financial security. Located in the tailbone area this represents our foundation. 

 The plan is to incorporate at least ten minutes of meditation in the morning and in the evening focused on the root chakra. I will be using affirmations to focus and redirect my thought habits to be more supportive during this time as well as using crystals to enhance the vibrations around me and harmonize my energies with those associated with grounding. Before or after meditation I will begin a yoga flow using poses centered around the root chakra.   This will be done each day for a week.  

The Meditation:  

Sitting in easy pose, preferably outside in nature connected to the earth, close the eyes and start to focus on the breath. With hands in Gayan mudra or with the non-dominat hand honding a choisen crystal, simply notice if the breath is shallow or deep do not yet try to change it yet.  After a few moments take a deep inhale and slowly exhale through the mouth imagining all muscles relaxing throughout the body. 

Begin to breath deeply counting the breath in and counting an equal breath out. Try to add more length to each breath as you go. Now imagine roots from the end of the spine growing down into the earth. Imagine them breaking through each layer going deeper and deeper until they connect and wrap around the crystal at the center of the earth. Once here continue to breath deeply focusing on the strong stable feeling received from the earth. Listen to the soft sounds of nature around but don’t give them too much time. Empty the mind and simple be one with the earth. As thoughts infringe upon the calm let them float away like clouds. 

Once in this relaxed state start to breath the sound “LAM” which is the sound that vibrates at the frequency of the root chakra. Do this for a few more minutes and then slowing open the eyes.

The Affirmations:  

I am open to possibilities.  I feel deeply rooted.  I am connected to my body.  I feel safe and secure. 

The Crystals:  

Red jasper, hematite, black tourmaline, red carnelian, shive Lingam, ammonite fossil, smoky quartz

I will use a chosen crystal to hold in my receiving hand (non-dominate hand) during meditation.  I will also carry some small hematite in my pocket and wear jewelry made from these crystals to ground me throughout the day.  

The Yoga:  

chair pose, tree pose, temple, warrior 2, triangle, half-moon, standing split, forward fold, squat, cobbler’s pose, pigeon, seated forward fold  

The Activities:  

Doing activities that connect you to nature are supportive of the root chakra. Even though it is Arizona in the summer time, I still plan to find out door activities to engage in. The mornings are still rather decent before 8 and I do much of my meditation and yoga outside. Even sitting and gazing at a picture of nature if its all you have will do. I even put a beautiful forest picture on my phone wall paper for this week.